Monday, April 20, 2009

Snapshot of the Past: Form 3A in 1974

WOW!!!! Here's a rare, old photo contributed by our friend Kuan Chee Kok. It shows the class that was Form 3A in 1974 ... some 35 years ago. Kudos to Chee Kok for saving this gem!

I know, I know ... it's too small and you want me to blow it up in sections. OK, here you are.

Left section

Middle section

Right section

Have fun identifying all your classmates ... btw, does anyone remember what's the name of the lady teacher?



  1. Thanks Chee Kok! I can see you in the back row, 4th from left.

  2. If I remember correctly, the teacher's name was Mrs YK Tan.

  3. Anyone know where is PAUL TONG? Middle row, second from left.

  4. Liew Yu Neng - seated, 3rd from right. I'm told he is in Kuching. Can someone tell him to check this site please? Would be great to link up with him again after all these years.

  5. Christopher Kuek - seated 5th from right - where are you? It's been over 30 years you know.

  6. Hey, everyone is exactly how I remember them. And Mrs Tan was mentioned at our mini reunion in KL.

    Btw, Yu Neng is now Jiew Neang. He's an accountant practising in Kuching.

  7. Look! Middle row, third from left! It's Philip Chin ... with hair too!

  8. what's name of the chap in last row, leftmost?

  9. Is it Peter Ngiam Tie Fen?

    Ya, I see Philip too. With hair and about 20 kg lighter! LMAO.

  10. Tie Fen??? I'd have said NO WAY, but scanning thru the rest of the photo, I can't find Tie Fen anywhere else so you may be right. Strangely how I remember his face in my mind is kinda different from this photo. Sorry Tie Fen, old friend. May need to recalibrate my memories :-)

  11. what happen to the inseparable friends Ting Thong Kong & Lim Ngee Hong?

  12. Hey you anons,leave my hair/non hair out of this! Say it to my face and you'll have to meet me at the museum grounds after school.I might sit on you if I can catch you first.Sigh, where have they all gone? Too much testosterone!! ;D

  13. To PC,
    Museum ground after school? Not night meh?
    Btw, what's wrong with your hair or no hair
    thing? In fact, it makes you look more sexually
    appealing, my two sen...

  14. I thought too much testosterone makes one more hairy? I thought too much estrogen is what makes one less hairy? Maybe that's why he wants to meet in the museum grounds, huh? heheheheh.

  15. That Anon 6:20AM sounds like a medically trained person talking. Hmm, that narrows it down ... LOL

  16. If the top part is gone, one would expect the same thing happens to the lower section of the body. Please enlighten us JK, you are the doctor.

  17. Anon april 20, 11.56pm thinks your botak head is sexually appealing, Philip. Better be careful at the next reunion - someone might want to play footsie with you under the table, Philip. LMAO.

  18. More seriously, maybe our doctor friend JK should give us some tips on maintaining a healthy and energetic 50 year old life. How about it James?

  19. Yeah, JK. I think most of your old school mates would have either high BP, high cholesterol, or high blood sugar. Do dispense some free advice on how to have a healthy heart. Jimmy can post it as a new topic and we all can write in with our symptoms. hahaha.

  20. Hey,

    Nice photo. Most of you look the same as you were in Form 5.

    BTW, anyone has contact with Leong Kuek Fook? He played Hockey with me and is left handed.He always has a broad smile! The last time I saw him was in Brighton, UK.

    Left Section third on the left, last row standing. See what I mean by the broad smile?

  21. My, we were a stern looking bunch.

  22. Sim Kay Guan - 3rd right, last row. He was a high jumper.

  23. How come none has pointed out the Website Jaga?

  24. WHere is Ngu Chin Sun (middle row, 2nd from right) these days?

  25. I guess someone has to do the dirty job. Jaga is in Middle section, next to Chris Chew, above HBC and surrounded by Harry Goh, Chiew.., CBV, Curtis Teo? and Dr. CCN
    Jaga, you looked "fit" then. he he he

  26. Thanks LK. The name you were looking for is Chiew Chin Kee. Yes, agree i was much "fitter" then. As were you, my friend.

  27. Hey, to all of you anons out there who enjoy the perverse pleasure of picking on my poor friend PC, identify yourselves if you have "hoots"!
    Are they lost or shrunken already at 50?

  28. Tq CLK for pointing out Jaga.
    And where is CLK? Now I need someone to expose him...

  29. Thanks to my friend Anon 5.15pm for standing up for me. As for the other detractors, my counsel included, I will be waiting patiently for you to join my "hairless but sexy" club. :D

  30. I think CLK and MB joined us after the picture was taken. Both great additions to the class.

  31. ANON April 20 11.56pm, my good friend, whoever you are, those are kind words for a hurt soul. Ang tau peng on museum grounds,for you,anytime,daytime! :)

  32. I understand Ngu Chin Sun has migrated to Canada. Can someone connect him to this site? Will be interesting to know how many countries we are now occupying.

  33. Ngu Chin Sun finished up High School in Vancouver, BC, I believe. In 1978, he enrolled at the University of Oklahoma (Norman, Oklahoma, USA) and eventually gained a degree from there. He traveled extensively but Norman remained his home until the early-to-mid 90s when he returned to Kuching. I believe Chin Sun came to Oklahoma on a dare from some classmate, but found it somewhat to his liking once he got settled. He was and is a true friend and I'm anxious to see if any of you, his former Kuching classmates, can help me locate him (or even members of his family). Am hoping to visit his environs in Kuching someday, but would travel to whichever point on the globe he calls home, if I could only find him. (Many thanks for creating this board, by the way).

  34. Greg, do leave your contact email & if Chin Sun checks this blog, he will contact you.

  35. Hi Greg,

    I am in contact with Ngu Chin Sun's siblings, Chin Ai & Chin Ho.He had migrated to Canada.I will try to get his contacts for you.Leave your e-mail address as WJ suggested or i can get his sibling to forward your mail.My e-mail is

  36. Thanks a million for the responses. Look forward to learning what you find and would also be delighted to hear from Chin Ai or Chin Ho, as well. My email address is

  37. See, Greg? Told you leaving a post would work. Somehow, someone somewhere would know how to locate Chin Sun or his sibling.

    When you get him, say a big hi to him from all of us here and tell him to drop by and visit.

  38. Hi Greg!!

    Had contacted his siblings and his cousin.Chin Sun and family is now in Calgary, Alberta,Canada.You should be hearing from him soon.

    Oh how i wish i can be Oprah and fly you guys in for a re-union!!!

    Btw, how far is Oklahoma to Calgary?

  39. George: you were indeed, correct, sir. Thanks!

    Lee Kien: Thanks for making the contacts. It's just under 1800 miles from Norman, OK to Calgary, but that's actually a little closer than Vancouver, where my son lived a couple of years ago. I'll leave you a couple of phone numbers by regular email; perhaps you could get those to Chin Sun?

  40. Will do that Greg! Hope Chin Sun will contact you!

    Have a great weekend!


    Thanks a million for the blog!

  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. What the heck! who is this guy, WJ? selling things on our blog. what nerve. delete him, WJ! and bar him for good!

  43. It was someone from India.
    His/her IP address was
    Hmm, I wonder if one can really block these things. Anyway it's a silly advert since there was no mention of the company.

  44. Ya but the silly twit has a link for his 'Forms Processing' even if his company was not mentioned. Click on it and maybe get a virus! Delete him. How in the world did he get on our blog?

  45. probably random googling.
