Saturday, April 18, 2009

MUST WATCH : Chicken Ala Carte

Both Lawrence and George directed me to this video. It was a winner at the Berlin short film festival. A very moving film. See it for yourself. Get your children to watch it too. And encourage others to watch it.

Friends, if you're touched by this clip, consider forfeiting your next chicken meal (or any other meal if you're not so inclined to chicken) and donating the price of the meal to any charity of your choice. If each one of us goes and does this simple deed, we will make a small but positive difference. Also skipping a meal may help in the battle against your middle bulge.


  1. Soooo sad. Thanks for sharing. Will get my spoilt & well-fed kids to watch. Not once but a few times over.

  2. I got my children to watch it. Then they replayed it, and watched it again ... and again .... and again.

  3. emails with links to this video has been circulating the past week or so. personally received 2 and now it is here as well.
