Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Here in Singapore where I am based, this is the first week of another school term. In the morning, I could see little kids going to the schools near to my place. It gave me the idea that since we are also trying to determine who's been accessing this website, I thought it might be a good idea to "take attendance" and conduct a simple online ROLL CALL.

Simply use the Comments box to let us know your presence by indicating:
  • your name
  • which class you were from (or which school, if not from St Joe), and
  • where in the world you are located
Optionally you might want to include a brief message to everyone.

Simple enough? Hope everyone is sporting and cooperates.
OK, over to you ...


  1. James Yong
    Form 5 Science (1976)

    Hello all & thanks for visiting this blog !!!

  2. Philip Chin
    Form 5 Science(1976)


  3. Leonard Sia
    Form 5 Sc2 (1978)

    ps: apologies for removed post. was just testing outing commenting with google account.

  4. Chen Lee Kien
    Form 5 Sc (1976) from across the bridge
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Headmaster WJ, PRESENT!!!

    Its being a wonderful life journey!! Brothers and sisters Enjoy the ride and live life to the fullest!! & BE HAPPY!!

  5. Nicholas Chin (PiP's Bro)
    Form 5Arts 1977.
    Sandakan. SABAH.

  6. Alex Siang Theen Shim
    Class of 1980
    Arizona, USA
    Came into this website by chance and as mentioned before, love those Kuching memories of the 70's. Thanks.

  7. L K Chieh
    Form 5 Science (76)
    Vancouver, Canada


  8. James Kuo
    Form 5 Science (1976)
    Plymouth, UK

    Hello Friends!!!

  9. George Lo
    Form 5 Science [1976]

  10. Peter Tiong
    Form 5 Arts 2 (1976)
    Bangkok, TLD

    Morning Jimmy & all my friends. Keep well

  11. So few present? The others playing traunt? Catching snake kah?

  12. Hey WJ, what about Mrs WJ? Skiving too? Why you didn't check on her? Not fair one!!

  13. Emily Lim Chu Mun
    Primary 3T (2009)
    Kuala Lumpur

    Hi everybody!!!!!
    May you all be well and happy!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Chris.K.G.Sim
    5 Sc 1976
    Port Dickson

    Hi to all of you

  15. Lawrence Chin
    Form 5 Sc (1976)
    Kuala Lumpur

  16. Kuan Chee Kok
    Form 5 Sc 1976


  17. Hey 30019 already!!

    Congratulations WJ!!!

  18. Kevin Chin
    6791 cS 5 mroF
    Perth Australia

    Eating snake.

    Exactly 30 days to reach this new milestone. Well done.

  19. John Lee
    Form 5 Arts 1 ('76)
    England, UK

    Hey, KC
    Is that a down under writing for us to decode?
    Hi...to all

  20. John, it's an ancient Aboriginal language. Very sacred!

  21. Nah, it's KC's accounting code again, lah :)

  22. Leong KF
    Form 5 Sc '76
    Kuala Lumpur

  23. Ronald Kueh
    Form 5 Arts II '76
    Kuching Sarawak

  24. Jacqueline Voon Kam Lien (Mrs WJ)
    Form 5 Science 1976, St Teresa

    Hello everybody!! Glad that you all enjoy the website. Happy commenting.

    Lee Kian, sabo me eh!

  25. KL,

    Called yourself my friend of 40 years-you got my name wrong lay, wrong spelling..its Lee Kien!!!


    It reminded me of the time way back in the early '80's..I "sombongly" told you my Chinese name is "May Lee ter Lee" and you promptly, tongue in cheek said "Yah lah Chien Hoo ter Chien"

    Ah such endearing friends indeed!!!

    Cheers!! KCK

  26. Robert Chin
    Form 5Arts2('76)

    Hi everybody !!!!

  27. Audrey Chang Shau Pey
    Form 5 Sc (76) across the bridge
    Melbourne Australia

  28. Sinos replied..

    Bartholomew Sinos
    Form 5 Arts 2 ( 1976, of course)
    Siem Reap,
    Kingdom of Cambodia

    Yes teacher, present teacher !!

  29. Audrey,

    Hello Nong!!! Nong hoh boh lay? Chin chia kooh boh kee lay...Poon WJ nong kay e-mail lay..

  30. Cyril Moa
    Form 5 Sc '76
    Hi all :)

  31. Benjamin Wong
    Form5 Arts2 '76

  32. Where are the rest?
    So far only 24.
    Hi CM, good to see you ...

  33. Former Victim of PrefectsJuly 14, 2009 at 12:30 PM


  34. We're still hoping for more to answer to this Roll Call .. c'mon guys & gals, don't be shy.

  35. Nicholas Lau
    Form 5 Arts 1-1976
    Hanoi , Vietnam

    Keep up the connectivity -Web Jaga. Well done!

  36. Anthony Macpherson
    Form 5 Arts 1 - 1976
    Kuala Lumpur

    Better late then never.

  37. Liang Fang said .....

    Chen Liang Fang
    Form 5 Sc-1976

    Last in the class to say. Search high and low. It is wonderful how internet work by all the hardwork and invention by mankind. James Yong just prompt an email a couple of days back and the old memory click.

  38. Roney Zaidell
    F5Sc1976 SJS
    Kuala Lumpur/Kuching

    Hello, WJ i have bumped into many of our colleagues( sjs 76 +- 5 years) during my travels but too shy to greet them. Henceforth i will spread the gospel.
    CM, when is our next teh tarik session?

  39. Ophelia Chin (PC's kid sister)
    Form 5ScG 1990 St Teresa's
    Form 6S1 1992 St Joseph's
    Cincinnati, USA

    Yup, guilty of tangkap ular since my last visit. Catching up on the archived posts - wonderful, gripping and altogether nostalgic. :)

  40. Hi Ophelia, pls get Philo here as well (if PC has failed to. Cheers.

  41. Anyone know the whereabouts of Abang Azhar' Julai Shariff?

  42. Julai Sharif
    Form 5Sc 1976
    Hi everybody. WJ - keep calling and yr call will be answered. Keep up the good work.

  43. Hi Julai - great to hear from you !!!

  44. Chen Liang Fang & Julai Sharif - send a photo to WJ. We all wanna see what you blokes look like at 50 . LOL

  45. Richard Lim Ngee Hong
    Form 5 Science (1976)

    Am I last? ;o

  46. hello RLNH, where are you working these days? still at HP?

    u just missed a few nice reunions in Kuching and Siem Reap!

    btw where is herbert ting?

  47. Richard Lim N H, can u send me a recent photo of yourself? I'm sure the others all want to know what you look like now. My email is jslyong@hotmail.com

  48. Anyone remember Stanley Guang? If I am not mistaken he is still in Shell Miri.

    Kho Khoon How is still in China?

  49. Chong Chi Nai
    Form 5 Science (1976)
    Manila, Philippines

  50. Bertram Chew
    Form Five Arts1 76
    Waterloo , Ontario, Canada
    Last of the stragglers but here I am reporting for duty. I had never thought I would see or hear your names again if not for this website. Thanks again to James Yong.. We do indeed go back a long way...used to play together in primary school.

    In case, you have never heard of Waterloo, if you use a blackberry, that's where it comes from...

  51. Stressed out executiveSeptember 14, 2009 at 10:04 AM

    So you guys at Waterloo were to blame for us not having a minute of peace in our day ... with emails chasing us wherever we go !!!!

  52. >So you guys at Waterloo were to blame....

    Sorry, man..I just happen to live there..just turn if off...

  53. Norbert Liew
    Form 3C 1974
    Kuching. Sarawak.
    Borneo Island.

    Sorry teacher for I am late, bicycle tyre "bo hong"

  54. Elizabeth C S Lee
    Form 5 Arts 2 - 1976
    Kuching, Sarawak

  55. Francis Lee("brother" of Elizabeth Lee of STS'76)
    Form 5 Sc 1976
    Kuching, Sarawak

    Dear James,
    Congratulation for a job well done thus far. Still having deep impression on Kevin C & Ho BC, who were most helpful in my study from Form 4 though USS. The ever friendly Lawrence C, my dear friend Ah Fook (my ex-boarding mate)& Chee Kok who used to converse "Chee Kok" version of Hakka with me. Warmest regards & best wishes to you all. selamat Hari Raya.

  56. Francis Lee?
    Are your sure with your class year? I do not recall any Francis Lee. If you are, then you must be twin with your sister of STS 76.
    Please clarify......

  57. Hello Francis, a warm welcome to our Form 5 blog. It's been a long time. For a while I was also trying to visualise your face, and fortunately we have the class photos of Form 5Sc and Upper 6Sc. The old memory is not as sharp as before. I also didn't realise Elizabeth was your sibling. How great to be reconnected. What have you been up to all these years? Do drop some comments and say hi to the others.
    --- JY

  58. Great to see you on the blog, Francis, my fellow Hakka ngin. It has really been a long time. What are you up to these days?

  59. Michael Yeo
    Form 5 Sc 1976
    Ottawa, Canada

    Greetings to you all. A big round of applause to you James Y for making this a reality. It does bring back memories, and good ones too, especially those carefree days. I'd also like to thank Elizabeth Lee via Francis Lee for exposing this blog to me. It's good playing catch up.

    Hey Bertram, didn't know you're in the neck of the woods. Roughly 600 km away?? Should try to meet some time. Lipp Kee, haven't forgotten you and though you're on the other end of the coastline, we can still keep in touch.
    Sinos, it's good to know that at least one of us is still riding the bike. That's a very nice one you've got there. What about you, Justin? oops, I mean Datuk Justin. Still remember you, Ah See and Wilson. No more biking for you boys anymore?? What about the rest of the bikers, Kevin, Cyril, Lawrence, Chee Kok, John Lee and the list goes on... Got to stop now. This is supposed to be a short note. Until then, cheerios.

    Mike Yeo

  60. To all my muslim friends and classmates, Selamat Hari Raya. Wish I was home now and enjoy the food.

    Mike Y

  61. Welcome Mike!!! Good to hear from you again. Keep visiting and exchanging comments with all your old friends.

    Seems we have a growing alumni in Canada - yourself, Lipp Kee, Bertram, Ngu Chin Sun ... there's at least one other, but escapes my mind now. Hope you guys find some occasion for a reunion there.

    Once again Mike, welcome back to the St Joe Form 5 (76) class !

  62. Hi Mike,

    Good to hear from you after all these years. Hope things are OK with you in Canada. Not sure if you remember Ronald Chan ( few years our jr..and brother of Denis Chan..top sports guys , few years our sr), He is in Vancouver, I think.

    Yes, it is nice to be be still able to ride nd where roads are still not congested yet in Cambodia and driving licence is still easy to get. Police are very friendly too but we need to be extra careful of the road bcoz the villagers think that they are driving a bullock cart on the highway, man !!.

    Do keep in touch Mike, take care & all the best.


  63. Mike called me today...quite surprised and we had a good chat...promised that we'll meet up sometime..anybody has Ngu Chin Sun's email?

  64. Hi BC!

    I have Chin Sun's e-mail.If you leave your e-mail, i will e-mail you or you may e-mail me at chenleekien@prupartner.com.my


  65. Hi WJ,

    Did you e-mail you Chin Sun's contact?

  66. Hi....Mike & Francis
    Great to hear from you guys, welcome to the "net". Especially to Mike, my fellow Rubber Road West inhabitant!!!. Since I mentioned this now, I wonder where are the others now who used to live on this road. I can recall: Janarius Liew, Alfred Wong and our neighbour (but cannot remember her name, she's Teresians, year '76), Said brothers (watched the Mohammed Ali Vs Joe Bugner's fight at their house), Chiang Kok Cheng (Not sure if I spelt his name right) & others. May be you guys can name others.

    I say, WJ, this is quite a list to live on 1 road. How about others who can recall the number of school mates living in one Street or Road. I only recall those on Rubber Road West, must be a much longer list if it is the whole of Rubber Road!!!. Another thing, when we were in our primary years, some of us used to attend tution lessons on this road (cannot remember the teacher's name at present). There were Cyril, Khoon Teck, Janarius, Ricky Chong, & many others. Those were great and fun times!!!!

  67. Hi John,

    Is Sophia Wong the girl you are looking for? Her younger bro is Max Wong-SJS Form 5-1979.Can't remember her elder bro's name.They used to live-Rubber Road or Rubber Road West.

    My other classmate Judy Liew was also on this road and they used to cycle to school together.

  68. Hey WJ, a while back, Peter Ng & I used to play badminton at Uni. of Ottawa. Then he vanished in thin air and I have no idea where he is now. Remember Wong Tiong Sing? He was 1 yr. our senior with Wong Ik Chai (guy I admired in badminton; also played Hockey, and Ah See, you can vouch for this). Met Tiong Sing at Uni. of Toronto. We chit chat a little and parted. Don't know why I never ask for his phone number. He is probably in Toronto.

    Sinos, Ronald and Denis Chan sound familiar but I cannot visualize their faces. Perhaps if I meet them someday in Vancouver... Hey, riding a bike is always fun; the freedom, air rushing all around you, but against a bullock cart, you'll lose. Ya, I'm always careful here as well. Good to hear from you, big boy.

    John Lee, you memory is amazing. Definitely a few more if we were to include Rubber Road and its surroundings as well. There's Wong Tiong Sing and his siblings, Faridah Shahab, William Lim (off Rubber Road), Peter Ngiam (off Rubber Road West). Not a bad showing. Where is William? Anybody knows?


  69. Hi...Lee Kien/Mike
    Do not think that was Sophia. Alfred Wong would know, it might be Elizabeth Lee or Margaret Lee. She is a foochow and has a younger sister who was also a Teresian. Lucy Ngu and her siblings (Simon and James) lived nearby too. The Said brothers were, Ibrahim and Mohammed and their other brothers were also Josephians. Can anyone of you remember Ricky Chong, who's dad used to be a dentist near the police station and William Chee who's family used to ran an Optician near the open air market. I wonder where they are now. I do not know where William is now, hopefully some of our friends reading these blogs may know.

  70. Hi John,

    I think its Margaret Lee.She's foochow.We are still trying to locate her.Our only link is KCK but he says he has lost touch.Do you still keep in touch with her?

  71. Ah Choon!! Where have you been these past 30 years? Glad to see you have resurfaced at last. What's the story man? Wife, kids, profession? Tell, man. Sure remember the good old days - where have they gone?

  72. This Ronald Chang goes by the name of Chang Soo Chuan. In Forn 3 ,he is in the D class together with Mark C, Lee Kian Seng ( he passed away few years ago )Robert or Ben or Ronald K should know this Ronald or Chang Soo Chuan.


  73. Hi Everyone,
    I'm wondering if Janarius Liew is the same person is married to my cousin n now living in Melbourne, Australia. I will email to my cousin to find out whether he is in Form 5 1976.
    Liza Lee (Elizabeth Lee)

  74. Just for everyone info ... Francis Lee works in the same opis with me in SESCO/SEB. So we are brother n sister at work. Francis is now very prosperous ..... "beer belly" and about to due any time ... run n hide ..ke ke ke
    Liza Lee

  75. Hi...LK
    No, I am not in contact with ML. Btw, I wonder if other girls are still logging on to this blogs and joining in. Even Shau Pei has gone quiet too. You know what it's like....the boys would contribute and log on to the blogs more as soon as more of you girls join in. Would be nice to hear what you girls gossip about the boys from "across the bridge". Even posting as anons would be fine.....lol. I know how hard you had tried.....

  76. Hey Francis, what about sending in a photo of yourself - beer belly and all - so that WJ can post it up. Dont worry la, we all getting tyres

  77. Santa Claus
    Wished he was in Class of 76
    Santaland, North Pole

  78. Peter Ng is rumour to be in LA, California. He has changed his surname ???????
    Maybe Chin Sun is in Contact with him.
    Peter Ng is related to Fr Nicholas Ng ??

  79. Tan Pheng (SJS Form 3-1974). KuchingDecember 30, 2009 at 1:48 PM


    Merry X'mas and a Happy New Year 2010.

  80. Norbert Liew
    SJS Form 3(1974)
    Kuching Sarawak

    Very sorry for coming in late teacher, anyway, all the best to all, happy new year too.

  81. Hi all,
    Wish everyone I know in in St. Joe a Happy New Year and a blessed 2010.
    Jude Jong

  82. Gerard Harry
    SJS Primary 6A(1971)

    Been attending a seminar 28th Dec to 31st Dec 2009, hence the none postings lately. Sorry for the late reply teacher. ;-)

  83. To each lovable classmates, i really miss the party, i miss you all...Jy, syabas for a real good job, answering roll call 'cos getting a few sneezes with my name still mentioned

    The Prodigal Classmate...WL 5A1

  84. William, thanks for dropping by. You just single-handedly raised the reconnection percentage for Form 5 Arts 1 from 70% to 73% !!!

  85. Brendan Lee
    SJS Form 5 Arts 1 1976
    Petaling Jaya

  86. Liza Lee (Elizabeth Lee), not seen you around here for a while. You managed to get your cousin Jan?
    Are you still attached to the office of Haji S at SEB/SESCO? And still have that Divine Mercy pic by your desk?

  87. William - does the nickname "Bruang" still mean anything to you? do you still remember?

  88. hi guys' great job.......

    suhiri afandi(the music man)-5 arts 2


  90. Hi Christy

    I hope u won't mind. I'm copying your Roll Call response to the new blog too. Check it out at


  91. Hmm.. Christy is from the 80s.
    Hi Christy, been a long time. You were with the Red Cross/Crescent Society right?
