Saturday, April 4, 2009

Golfing Escapades in Vietnam

I had noticed this when googling Nicholas Lau and Vietnam. I knew Nick was good at his golf but ...WOW ... two time champion of the VCCI Cup !

I'll let Nick share it in his own words ...

"Won the tournament in 2006 and defended in 2007. Did not take part in 2008 as the organizing committee did not grant privilege for defending champion . Strange things do happen in Vietnam ! The gentleman with the golden trophy is the former Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam . The portrait is obvious -the much revered Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam - a national hero and statesman of Vietnam . The portrait is made of pieces of precious gem stones - sapphire , jade , ruby etc found in Vietnam . The donor - with the microphone said is worth about USD5000 ! Some times we have to read between the lines when we are in Vietnam "

Way to go, Nick ! Any of you who need golfing tips, you know who to go to :-)


  1. Well done, Nick. I heard about your golf prowess on the grapevine and the records speaks for itself. I seriously need your coaching and guidance on golf. Can you do it virtually?


  3. Nick,

    In Siem Reap we have 3 world class golf courses waiting for you.. Green fees, mahal sikit lah...USD50-00 + +..Perhaps for the upcoming SiemReap reunion, golf could be considered as one of the programmes? Depend on how many golfers are they in 5th Formers lah.


  4. Hi John , I remembered you mentioning taking up golf . How is it coming along ? Yes by all means we should include golf in the reunion program with free coaching he he !

    PC- playing off handicap 5 but very erratic now . Old liaw lah !

  5. Handicap of 5 ???!!! Wah, Tiger Woods will have new challenger soon.

    Nick, you need to choose your golfing nickname soon! Maybe some other creature ... how does Lion Lau sound? Or maybe Hornbill Lau? :-)
