Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween !

I'm really not sure how many of you actually celebrate or even care about Halloween. Certainly when we were younger and growing up in Sarawak, Halloween was never a big a deal for us. But with globalisation, I guess some new festivals do gain more popularity - if not with you, then perhaps with your kids.

Halloween falls on October 31st each year. It originated in the Celtic festival of Samhain and is also on the eve of All Saints Day, celebrated by Christians. The ancient Celts believed that the border between ThisWorld and the OtherWorld became porous on Samhain, allowing spirits (both good and bad) to pass through. The family's ancestors were honoured and invited home whilst harmful spirits were warded off, by wearing of costumes and masks. Their purpose was to disguise oneself as a harmful spirit and thus avoid harm. Hmmm, I wonder what the costume worn by the lass on the right will do ....

Anyway these days, Halloween is largely a secular celebration, although some people still express concerns about its traditional religious overtones. As for me, I reckon Halloween is just another excuse to have a party. So heck, why not?

The colours black and orange have become associated with the celebrations, maybe because of the darkness of night and the colour of fire. We also see a lot of carved pumpkins, called Jack-o'-Lanterns. Traditional Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, wearing costumes and attending costume parties, ghost tours, bonfires, visiting haunted attractions, pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films. Certainly Hollywood has made a lot of money with Halloween-related films.

So in the spirit of a global family, here's

Wishing one and all a Happy Halloween !



  1. Chinese also hv their equivalent in their Ghost Month, mah . Except we don't have the costumes.

  2. Tonight MJ will be performing his "Thriller" for the first time on the Other Side!!!

  3. Malay movies had Pontianak also. I remember being scared sh*tless as a boy watching the b&w movie starring beautiful Maria Menado as the Pontianak. Too scared to sleep by myself in the room for a week.

  4. I received this sms from 2 fellow Catholics last nite:
    "The tabernacle and the crucifix at St Peter's Church Kch were stolen last night. This is considered a sacrilegious act by some parties who could be usingthese for satanic worship in conjunction with halloween tomoro. So Blessed Sacrament Church has called for an emergency holy hour to counter this spiritual warfare at 8pm-9pm tonite. Pls spread the news to all fellow catholics."

    Trying to verify the theft with Lawrence Kuek Thian Chai who is a warden at St. Pter's Church.
    Btw, both smses came from Sibu.
    Anyway, halloween or not I really hope that it is just a BIG BOO.

  5. sounds a bit extreme. probably just some petty thieves who just want to sell it for the metal content.

  6. Over here in Lincoln Nebraska, USA, kids dressed in costumes and go house to house/neighborhood for 'treat or trick'/candies. Its really fun giving out candies. Last year we had about 70+ kids came by.

  7. anybody got Halloween photos, send to WJ? u post ok WJ?

  8. Right info. ONLY the tabernacle was stolen and nothing else, stolen between the time of 4.30 and 6.30pm! that's daylight robbery guys and its the 3rd time. Thieves thought it contain money cos it looks like a safe, so they carried away the whole tabernacle away. For those who not know what tabernacle is, well, kind of 'box' with lock door which the church(priest) keeps the holy bread. Clarified by Father Chin this morning.
