Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Meeting of Mustached Brothers

Place: Lobby of RH Hotel, Sibu
Date: 17th May 2010
Time: 10:19PM

After almost 40 years, I had the opportunity to meet my ol' primary school buddy Gerard Harry. What a momentous occasion !

I quickly found that Gerard is the same friendly, chatty and carefree boy that I knew from those early years.

I also found that we shared many similar physical characteristics (no prizes for any that you spot in the above photo :-)

Gerard and I went out for teh-si and snacks, and chatted till late.

We had dinner again the following evening.
Well buddy, let's not wait another 40 years to catch up.


  1. where the wine to celebrate? din know you'd settle for teh si.
    and where are the other sibu-based 76ers? thought there's a few of them.

  2. Jimmy, I have often mentioned your name to my family. Finally, they get to see my primary school buddy. What a good laugh they had looking at the similarity. ;-)

    Jimmy, I had longed to meet you, but one needs two hands to clap. You make that possible and I am so glad I found your blog. The meeting at the lobby of RH hotel and later adjourn to 'Uncle Dom' was a great moment to savour. I will cherish that moment for the rest of my life. You're the old Jimmy that I knew. Well, I am sure there will be many more mini reunions and reunions to come. Am glad I am one of the SJS old boys.

    Blessings to you and your family, brother. Cheers

  3. In those early days in St Joe Primary, Gerard and I used to hang around with Tie Fen and Yu Neng and Kah Kung, among others.

  4. counter coming up to lucky 222222 soon !

  5. similar characteristics .. let's see
    1) mustache
    2) some silver hair
    3) almost sama height

  6. Nice going, JY n GH !!!

  7. why comments not showing, WJ?

  8. now ok again !!!

  9. Way passed 222222 already loh.

  10. 1)smile pun sama

    2)badan pun sama size, kurang lebih,

    3)standing position also same same,

    4)sitting position also same same, both with arm on table.

  11. Er......kopi cup also same same, I bet they ate 'loti kahwin' from the same plate too?lol.

  12. In the land of Oz, the concept of "mateship" is historically revered and often portrayed as uniquely Australian. From what I have seen among these pages, including this one, I would be led to think that these ex form fivers are great mates.

  13. Jimmy and Gerard you two looks pretty similar,it's good to see that you are both fit and healthy.

  14. A humble celebration of long-lost but never-forgotten friendship!
    Happy for you guys!

  15. Their eyes locked
    sweet old memories revived
    a new friendship sprang to life...

  16. anon 11.29, the way you put it, it seems like at boy/gal affair lah.

  17. Ya kah? I imagined the moment those two old buddies looked at each other they would be instantly hit by a wave of sweet and innocent memories of their primary school days before they shook hands or hugged each other. From their body language you can see that they were genuinely very happy despite WJ's typical slightly serious smile. Let your hair down a bit, old boy.
    The half-baked haiku is to celebrate their precious moment of reconnection.

  18. I always remember Gerard's humble and affectionate self, and able to connect well. First met him a couple of years ago in Sibu, and we talked and laughed as though we have been very close acquaintance. A jolly happy, boyish guy!!!!

    Wishing you well in your new job.

  19. Thank you, Francis. I believe we do have things in common. Am glad you're also a SJS old boys.

    Francis, which dept is Ngiam Tie Fen in? I would love to meet him. He was a close buddy. We used to hang out together during recess with Jimmy, Yu Neng and a few others.

    Roney Zaidel was my buddy too. We were the few natives in the class way back in 1971.

    Francis, call me whenever you're in Sibu. Cheers

  20. I forgot to info that the minute Jimmy and I met we gave each other a huge bear hug just like the Arabs when greeting their brothers.

    The first pic is just like during our school days. That's how Jimmy and I used to walk... close buddies mah! Cheers.

  21. By the way, Jimmy's father and my father were classmates in SJS in the 40s'. Further back...Jimmy's grandma (father's mother) and my grandma (father's mother) were also classmates in St Teresa. Wow!

  22. that kah? Maybe the two of you are related, try tracing back some more, say, 60-80 years back?

    Won't be surprised Jimmy's great grandpa is the brother of Gerard's great grandma or Gerard's great great grandpa is the brother of Jimmy's great great grandma.

    So Jimmy and Gerard maybe the great great grandchildren of their great great grandparents.

  23. Roney is a big shot in Petronas, based in KL.

  24. So is Dato Anthony too in NST, KL.

  25. Dear Gerard,

    Currently Ngiam Tie Fen (Peter)is attached to Sg Biawak Power Station, Kuching. Haven't met Yu Neng for quite a while in town. Guess u know where he is.

    Will call U when I drop by in Sibu. Wishing you and all friends celebrating gawai a Selamat Gawai Guru Gerai Nyamai Nguan Menua.

  26. Now this is one story with a happy end :-D! Good on you, bro G! Jimmy Yong is a household name with our family back then and now. I'm so glad you found each other after 4 decades!! I bet this was one of the best meetings yet. Don't wait another 40 years, guys! BTW, I'm one of Gerard's younger sis....AND am just over the moon when I came across these pics of the moustached twins. LOL! Cheers!!

  27. Jimmy and all, for your info, my sister was a former SJS in 1980/81 for her Form 6. Rev. Fr. Simon Poh was her classmate. My sis now resides and works in Belgium. Hmmm... married, and have two children. Cheers

  28. small correction...SJS in '81/82 :-) and yes, Fr Simon Poh was my schoolmate (same year). cheers! IH
