Sunday, May 24, 2009

An Old, Old Document ...

As I was going through some boxes of archived personal documents, I came across an old, creased and yellowed piece of paper, which might possibly be the oldest document I have on myself, except for my birth certificate.
As you can see, it was a kind of year-end report card from my first alma mater Nanyang Kindergarten on Green Road ... and I recently learnt that JL and JK were there around the same time too. Pity the teacher didn't fill in the year, but I know it was 1965, because the very next year I went to St Joe Primary 1.
Have a look and have a good laugh ...

Can't draw, huh? Maybe I was the kid who just couldn't colour within the lines.

And I was 36 lbs ???? Geez, where did the extra 120+ lbs come from ?

I wonder if Nanyang Kindergarten is still operating somewhere in Kuching. It moved away from Green Road many years ago.

Friends, if you have old documents or pictures like this that you want to share, and preserve for posterity, just scan them and send me a copy. To make it more interesting, you should write a few lines to tell the story behind the document or picture too.



  1. I was also a " graduate " of Nanyang Kindergarten that year and I belived I still have the graduation photo but I have to search for it. I remembered seeing a tiny you among the group.

  2. Yeah, Anon. Would really appreciate if u find that photo and send to me when you can.

  3. Hello Anon, would be fantastic if you could find that priceless photo. JY would volunteer to sing (since he can't draw) I dreamed a dream at our virtual party next week. Would like to identify the guy who knock me out in round one. Oh no, definitely not looking for a rematch but would like to sign a peace treaty over a bowl of laksa. JY, did you get a good telling off (or rottan) when you got home for failing to get the perfect 5A's?

  4. JK, in case you didn't notice, I can't sing either. No wonder I was not invited to join the Form 5 choir.

  5. Even though he can't sing and he can't draw, he's a damn good website jaga!

  6. Although we only recently celebrated our first milestone of 10,000 hits, it looks like the next one is coming up soon! Keep checking in guys and tell all your friends, girlfriends, wives, siblings about our great site. We are the coolest!!!

  7. Esp the girls at STS'77.
    They should follow our footsteps and who knows what will happen. hehehe.

  8. Or STS'78 or STS'79 or STS'80 or .... don't say we are not an INCLUSIVE community . LOL

  9. and STS '81, '82, '83, ,84, '85, '86, '87, '88 ...

  10. did i hear of a sts'77 site/blog?
    care to share the link?

  11. Yes, there is a STS'77 discussion group on Yahoo Groups, but it's a closed group as they want to keep it girls only. I think we should respect that.

  12. Sorry to hear that. At our age, time is not on our side. We should be making more friends, learn new things etc...
    Yes, we should respect their decision. Amen.

  13. Hi Anon May 24 2009 11.01pm,

    I do know a few girls from STS 1977.If you want to re-connect with them, i am most happy to help.You may e-mail to WJ your request, right WJ?

    Of course i will have to ask the girls permission first lah...and of course obviously you cannot remain ANON.

    P/s Met Leong Kueh Fook and family yesterday and he sends his regards.

    1)He says your blog is interesting.I offered to round up those in KL and set up a small re-union and he says he's game.

    2)Told them how i contacted Harry Goh and Mrs Leong said luckily i "spared" Fook.

    3) He doesn't want the MB pencil either.

  14. Apart from JY, JK, JL and RK, who else was a Nanyang Kindy alumni?

  15. Believe it or not, the Nanyang Kindy class of 1965 photo is available, courtesy of Ronald Kueh. I may post it in a day or two.

  16. WJ,

    Would the boys be interested to see STS kindy?
    Anyway i will bring it down on Friday

  17. Nanyang Kindy alumni here, but 67.

  18. By all means, show us the STS Kindy photo, Lee Kien. If there are individuals it it that we know, it would certainly be of interest.

  19. Hi LK,
    TQ for the offer but I think like what WJ said we should respect their decision.
    Peace be with them.
    nb: my ex flame from sts'77.

  20. anon 6.02pm.
    pls identify your ex-flame here:

  21. Hi James, I am very excited when saw the photo you upload at here. For your information, Nanyang Kindergarten still operating at Green Road and i am the work as management of the kindergarten now. I plan to have a historical preview of the kindergarten during this coming graduation day on 9 November 2012. Therefore, i need help from you to survey around see any of your friend is graduated on 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964. I need get photo of them if possible.
