Monday, March 22, 2010

Your All Time Favourite Movies

Someone recently asked me what my all time favourite movies were. I've watched a whole lot of movies in my fifty years so I had to think about this for a bit.

To qualify as an all-time favourite for me, the movie has to be special from several different perspectives - have a very good story and characters, excellent cinematography and effects, be highly entertaining and have an overall message that touches the heart. I also find myself drawn to storylines that are somewhat historic or have some historical leaning.

Based on these criteria. I reckon my top 3 English-language movies (not necessarily in order) are:

*  Gandhi

*  The Shawshank Redemption, and

*  The Last Samurai

I must say that a close fourth for me is Bernardo Bertolucci's "The Last Emperor". And if I could squeeze in a fifth, it might be either "The Day of the Jackal" or "Spartacus" that might just make it.

Well, at least at this point in time, I think these are my favourites. If I think of some other great movie tomorrow, I might still revise my list ;-)  

What about you? Share YOUR all-time favourite movies.


  1. I liked "The Shawshank Redemption" too. And "Star Wars".

  2. I liked my Chinese action movies when I was young - "One Armed Swordsman", "The Big Boss", "Fist of Fury", "Way of the Dragon", "Enter the Dragon". More recently "Infernal Affairs" and "Ip Man" were good.

  3. I remember "Emmanuel" and the sequence....hehehe
    Do you? WJ?

    "Midnight Express" and "Officer and Gentlemen" were two entertaining movies during my younger days.

    "Blood Diamond","Killers Field" and "Forest Gum" are some later ones.....

  4. 'The Shawshank Redemption' acted by Tim Robins and Morgan Freeman is most top of my list. very close behind are 'The Godfather part 1' and Ben Hur.

    I guess for sentimental movie (tear jerker) my number is "You've got mail".

    Family movie "The Sound of Music"


  5. another Ealing RenMarch 22, 2010 at 8:15 PM

    hey Ealing Ren, i remember your favourite films were "The Other Side of Midnight", "Black Emmanuelle" and "Bilitis" ... ha ha ha

  6. I enjoy musicals like "The Sound of Music", "Oliver", "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" ... even some of the Disney classics like "The Jungle Book"/

  7. Star Wars trilogies, The Godfather 1 & 3, Day of the Jackal are among my favs.
    The Rock was quite nice, at least for the initial part.

  8. i liked The Rock too. Sean Connery and Nicholas Cage were great!

  9. I also enjoyed "The Joy Luck Club" very much.

  10. what happened to Godfather 2, Leo? why u din like? :)

  11. Hey, make sure you guys watch 'Up' kay, cute old man pulling his house here and there. Think I'll watch again when I'm free.

  12. I liked "Chariots of Fire". Both the movie and the theme song.

  13. ya, watched UP before. cute ol couple. nice film.

  14. Godfather 2 is (IMHO) a bit of a bore. Actually put off watching Godfather 3 bcos of that. Luckily, it turned out ok (at least for me).

  15. To me The Rock was great for first half the movie, then it got a bit comical.
    Still I liked it for the principles that the General who led the group stood for.

  16. Do you all rem the time when "disaster movies" were the rage? I rem "Towering Inferno" and "Posseidon Adventure". Got others i think.

  17. All of Harrison Ford's adventure movies and James Yong, opps! James Bond movies.

  18. anything with Morgan Freeman in it

  19. Anything with hot JESSICA ALBA in it . LOL
