Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Year of the Tiger ! Happy Valentine's Day !

Tomorrow is February 14th and this auspicious day is both the first day of the Lunar New Year, starting the Year of the Tiger, as well as Valentine's Day ...

I've been scouring the Internet for some creative or witty combination of these two festivals but haven't found anything all that interesting, so you guys will have to make do with this next picture of the lady & the tiger (to the question which is which, I'll leave you to answer ... :-).

Actually speaking of lady and tiger reminds me of an intriguing short story by Frank Stockton that I read many years ago. It was called "The Lady or the Tiger?". You can read it online at this website.


Happy Valentine's Day !


  1. Happy & Grrroaring Tiger new year to all our Josephian friends and also happy valentine day to all.

  2. Growl ! Growl ! Grrrr ! Grrrr ! Growl ! Growl ! Growl ! Grrrrr ! Grrr ! Growl! (* that's Tiger for: Gong Xi Fa Cai & May You Always Catch What You Hunt!)

  3. I see two tigers in the second picture. hehehe

  4. but both are beautiful!

  5. From Siem Reap, Cambodia...wishing all of you & families Gong Xi Fa Cai !!. May you continue to be blessed, enjoy good health, wealth, peace anddo keep in touch.

    Year of the Tiger...yes here they call their fierce & dominating bini as "khla nyea"...tigress...hahaa!!

  6. To all the St Joe boys of the 70s, good health and abundant happiness.

  7. Happy Lunar New Year to All ... the Year of the Tiger will definitely be auspicious.

    However not so sure about celebrating Valentine Day, which I think is over-commercialised. Sorry. just my view.

  8. That first one sure is one FAT tiger!

  9. The Lady or the Tiger? It's the Lady for me anytime.

  10. May The Year Of The Metal Tiger Bring To Us and all Manking, Peace...Prosperity...Happiness...Good Health..and...Gong Xi Fatt Cai...

  11. Tigress!Tigress! Baring her pride,
    But why hide the great divide?
    To Anon Feb 13, she's his object of desire,
    Nothing can he do but merely with a sigh admire!
    'Cos at 50, so much potency has been lost,
    After expending it for a great common cause!


  12. Don't forget, a Sarawakian (Kuching fellow) was mauled to death by white tigers at the Singapore Zoo a year or 2 ago.
    And anon 12.34am, how can you be sure that:
    1. anon feb 13 is 50 and
    2. that potency is lost at 50. I am sure lots of 76ers will beg to disagree

  13. Those Singaporean tigeresses are dangerous! Beware! LOL

  14. Gong Xi Fa Chai everyone!
    Let's get down to usiness ... where're the CASINOs this year?

  15. Dear Anon Feb 13 12.34am ( Toto 6/10 ), for Q1, i assume he's one of the 76ers and for Q2, only the HMs ( Home Ministers )of the 76ers can verify it.
    Incidentally, today is a very appropriate and auspicious day to prove it, being both a Valentine and CNY day. Once is good enough but must be with HM, though, hehehe...
    Somebody told me red wine is good for improving
    potency. True kah, red wine lovers?
    i got one bottle which i haven't opened yet.

  16. Tiger! Tiger! Still burning bright,
    continuing Blake’s little ditty,
    The Tiger stripes are quite a sight,
    A mark of conquest or victory.

    The Tiger tail lethal and long,
    Whipping all foes to shape,
    The Tiger gaze sharp and strong,
    Even the bravest can’t escape.

    The Tiger Year should bring us cheer,
    Indeed Fifty is but a number,
    Loss of potency? Have no fear,
    We’re strong & cool as a cucumber.

  17. Hey HoloChim, Singapore's Resorts World Sentosa had their soft launch today! S$, RM, Yen, Pounds, USD all accepted ...

  18. Wah, looks like we may have a poetry contest going on here. More great talent shown by Josephians no doubt. Keep it up.

  19. Sorry lah JY, my level of play is too small for Singapore new casino. I was thinking of Holo Chim and Ban Lat at some old classmate home, playing for 5 sen and 10 sen only leh!

  20. Who got Open House today, 2nd Day of Tiger YEar? Otherwise we just come to your doorstep uninvited! Make sure got lots of kueh and minum!

  21. You all mention Tiger this and Tiger that but....
    Just because Tiger Wood is in the "S--t ,we must not forget him. Tiger Wood.
    Right ? Nick L

    All for Tiger year

  22. Indeed no. we haven't forgotten Tiger Woods. But WJ already mentioned him in a previous post "Year of the Tiger".

  23. Do folks still celebrate CNY like they used to in the past? We were having a discussion on this at the coffeeshop. We think sadly some of the traditional activities like visiting friends is dwindling in Kuching. What you say?

  24. Hiya, going around visiting friends is 'out of fashion' already lo, I mean this is 2010 already and not 1976 liaw.

    I remember back then we would cycled from one house to another visiting friends, and the first thing we ask for is drink, not cookies on cakes but water.

  25. Kong Hee Fatt Chai! Ang Pow Gia Lai !
