Sunday, February 7, 2010

Year of the Tiger

The upcoming lunar new year heralds in the Year of the Tiger, according to the Chinese zodiac. Over the years, I've found that a number of other Asian countries have roughly similar zodiac animals. For instance the Korean zodiac is identical to the Chinese one. The Vietnamese zodiac differs in three animals (the second animal is the water buffalo instead of the ox, the fourth animal is the cat instead of rabbit and the eighth animal is the ram instead of sheep). The Japanese zodiac includes the wild boar rather than the pig.

In most of these Asian countries, the lunar new year is celebrated in grand traditional fashion. I was in Vietnam when I started writing this essay and I observed the Vietnamese preparing for their lunar new year, which they call Tet. It  falls on exactly the same day as the Chinese New Year. Everywhere you went, you could see lots of decorations - arches, lanterns, posters, sculptures, etc. Red is obviously the auspicious colour. And of course, this year the tiger appears in many places of prominence.

All this got me thinking about other incarnations of tigers in our modern culture. I was able to list quite a number of instances where this majestic but fierce animal featured in different aspects of our life.

Tiger in Poetry

I believe it was the Englishman William Blake (1757-1827) who penned the famous poem "Tyger, Tyger" which English literature students in the old days used to have to learn by heart. I guess these days not as much attention is paid to this rhyme, but who knows ... it IS going be the year of the tiger soon so there may well be a revival of interest.

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright,
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire in thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder, and what art?
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand, and what dread feet?

What the hammer? What the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? What dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears,
And watered heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb, make thee?

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright,
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
Tiger in Business
I'm writing this at an airport cafe, so it's probably natural that I first thought about Tiger Airways, the low-cost carrier owned by Singapore Airlines and a few others. This airlines plies routes mainly in Asia and parts of Australia.

Do you recall the slogan "Put a Tiger in Your Tank" ? Of course you do. That's from the oil company Esso. One marketing campaign I remember even involved a little bushy striped tail being given out to drivers, which they could attach to the cover of their fuel tank.

Tiger in Sports

This one is quite obvious. Tiger Woods has been a golfing sensation for many years now, until his recent fall from grace over a series of affairs. Still a lot of golfing observers are predicting he will make his comeback pretty soon.

Tiger in Entertainment

In the world of books and movies. there was Shere Khan, that fearsome character from Rudyard Kipling's "The Jungle Book". I suspect many of us remember the Disney cartoon much better than the book itself.

A more friendly Tigger appeared in A.A. Milne's "Winnie the Pooh".

Even from the world of Chinese action movies, I still remember that Golden Harvest made a flick in 1973 called "The Man Called Tiger", starring Wang Yu (of "The One Armed Swordsman" fame).

And I'm told that "Flying Tigers" (1942) was a second-rate movie about a band of American Mercenaries called upon by China to help fight the Japanese two years before Pearl Harbour. It even starred John Wayne.

In the area of music, there was a song "Eye of the Tiger" released by the group Survivor in 1982. This song was also used in the Sylvester Stallone movie "Rocky III".

Tiger in Food

There's a certain brand of frosted cornflakes, that we used to occasionally eat for breakfast when we were young which has a tiger character too. Remember Frosties ? Remember Tony the Tiger?

I'm sure you can think of other instances where tigers have been culturally prominent. Do share them ...

In the meantime, an early Happy Lunar New Year of the Tiger to everyone ...


  1. Jimmy, I remembered the movie "Paper Tiger" was filmed somewhere in Malaysia or at least in the Asean Region. There're Malay actors in the movie as well.

    The main stars of the movie were American David Niven and Toshiro Mifune once a famous Japanese actor. I think the film was released when we were in Form 5. Cheers

  2. Absolutely, Gerard! I remember that movie well. Actually one of the cassettes that I owned in boarding school in UK was the soundtrack from that movie, and it got played over and over agin. Even today, when you mentioned it, I found that I can still hum the theme music from Paper Tiger. Let me try find it on Youtube and reminisce further ... thanks for the reminder, buddy!

  3. WJ, you hear about "Tiger Show" in Bangkok, ka? Does that count as Tiger in Entertainment ? LOL

  4. Ha ha WJ, you missed another famous Tiger in Food & Drink ... TIGER BEER !!! Cheers ...

  5. "I'm a tiger, I'm a tiger"
    WJ, how about this oldie by Lulu?
    You can watch/listen here:

  6. Tiger Lily is both a flower and a character in some book, but I forget which ...

  7. A new one to add - Tiger in Medicine. Esp. in Chinese medicine where some body parts of the tiger are believed to have special healing properties.

  8. Jimmy, how could you have forgotten the famous Singapore Tiger Balm?

    Tiger Lily is a character in Peter Pan.

    If I'm not mistaken, that's also the name of the daughter of the late Michael Hutchence [of INXS?] who was found asphyxiated with his own necktie [or belt?] in a hotel room.

  9. @ Anon 10:06PM I think with some essence of those Tiger parts, one is supposed to be as strong as a tiger in certain activities. ROTFLMAO.

  10. Ya Jimmy, you must be old. How could you forget the "Tiger Balm Garden" in S'pore and the "Tiger Show" in Thailand.
    Wah! you forget things already ?
    Hey, just joking .


  11. I guess the synapses aren't firing as quickly as before, Anon 11:22PM ... or maybe it's cos I haven't visited the Tiger Balm Garden for years, and I've never seen the Tiger Show in Thailand. Ha !

  12. Tiger Year will be good for Kuching, cos we are Cat Town and Tiger is just a big cat !

  13. must ask Mr Nicholas Jee or Bro Adrian to explain to us "Tyger Tyger" ...

  14. 10 Tiger Facts

    1. Tigers are the largest of the big cats.

    2. The South China tiger is believed to be the antecedent of all tigers.

    3. The tiger is the most endangered species of big cat. Of the remaining tiger sub-species the South China tiger is the most critically endangered with only around 60 living in Chinese zoos and about 20 in the wild. This puts this subspecies at the very top of the endangered species list.

    4. Wild tigers do not live in Africa, they are spread out across Asia and are thought to have originated from Southern China.

    5. A captive tiger can live up to twenty years, while a wild tiger can expect to live ten to fifteen years.

    6.It is impossible to count how many tigers are left in the wild but experts estimate there to be less than 6000.

    7. The tigers saliva is antiseptic and comes in handy for cleaning their wounds.

    8. Scientists say that tiger stripes are individually as unique as the human finger print. Also if you were to shave the fur from a tiger it would still have stripes.Tiger stripes act as perfect camouflage in tall weeds and grass.

    9. A single tiger's territory can cover over 160 sq km. A tiger marks its territory by spraying surrounding trees and bushes with urine, dropping prominently placed scat, and leaving deep scratch marks on tree trunks. In the scent of the tigers urine and scat is a code which can only be deciphered by other wild tigers. The message not only acts as a warning to trespasses, but will also supply all the information needed for a would be mate.

    10.Tigers reach maturity and are ready for mating at the age of three. A male tiger can copulate up to six times an hour.

  15. Sarawak ever got tigers or not, hah?

  16. How come Tiger Airways girls don't wear tiger stripe uniforms?

  17. Yes, Kuching Kia . Sarawak got tigers and tigeress too. And some of them taught you at St Joe. LOL

  18. Don't forget Tiger Prawns, ok? That comes under Tiger in Food, hehehe ...

  19. Hari Hari Mau count as tiger or not?

  20. i think Tiger Force is the name of another old movie or TV series.

  21. Don't forget that TIGER CLAW is a popular Shaolin technique. Very powerful.

  22. Greetings to all Josephians,

    I'm a tiger...I'm a tiger...a great song to start the year of the tiger. May the tiger in you shine and glow with good health and happiness.

    Gong Xi Fa Cai...Ang pow na lai...

    Cheers Gerard and family

  23. Hai guys, there's no such thing as "tiger show', the real phase is 'Thai girl show'. A tiger does not dance for people to see but a thai girl does.

    You all heard about 'tiger p**is'? What it can do for all men? Wanna know?

  24. No TIGER SHOW ? NO Tiger Show ? Aiya Nadai Bisik, you just bust my bubble ... shattered my illusion .. I was so looking forward to visiting there and watching the tiger dancing lah! No such thing as Tiger Show? Next thing you'll be telling me there's no Santa Claus too ! Hah!

  25. Another famous TIGER in the movies ... have you forgotten "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" ?

  26. And finally, the fiercest of them all, lau ho boh. lol lol lol lol.

  27. If Mrs Anon 8:52PM found out he had put that comment, he'd be minced meat. hehehe

  28. There was a fantasy movie in 1977 called "Sindbad and the Eye of the Tiger".

  29. Tiger Woods is back again!
