Well guys, this website has been up for close to 3 months already and I'm glad that it's been a useful tool to reconnect old friends and classmates.
I'm running out of photos and topics to cover so I'd like to appeal to you guys to help me out by sending in more photos (old & new), documents or just write about anything interesting in your lives. Let me give a few suggestions of what might be interesting ...
* If you happen to meet other Fifth Formers anywhere. Even if it's just two or three of you having a coffee, cognac or cabernet, take a photo and write a few words about it. If you can't think of what to write, just the standard: who, where, when, what, why & how might be useful triggers ... standard tip from Bro Adrian's English class!
* If you happen to be with others who are somehow linked to the Form 5 classes of 1976 - be they spouses, girlfriends, former flames, children, former schoolmates, teachers, etc ... drop us a line & a photo.
* Dig into your old albums or dusty boxes in your storeroom and find those uniques photos from the 70s or 80s. Scan and send them to me, with a short caption or narrative.
* If you are based in some corner of the world, take a photo of yourself near some recognisable landmark (eg. Beijing's Birdsnest, Hoan Kiem Lake or Nottingham Castle) and share it with us.
* If you are working on some meaningful cause - be it a charitable, political or social - tell us about it. Maybe others might want to join you.
* If you are on a trip somewhere, share some interesting sights and sounds (we are very advanced now - we even know how to include videoclips! :-)
* I'm still waiting for some others to agree to feature a bit of their lives since Form 5 days in the "The Way We Were" series (we only have one entry on that so far) . Family shots are always welcome.
In short, keep contributing and make your Form 5 (1976) website as dynamic and interactive as it can be. And do tell more people about it. For instance, we have a few shots and mentions of the ladies from our sister or cousin schools - can someone let them know about the site & invite them to check it out & maybe even drop a line or two?
Cheers for now
--- Website Jaga
yes, tuan website jaga. will send you some photo soon.